Compas Toolkit

The Compas Toolkit is a high-performance C++ library offering GPU-accelerated functions for use in quantitative MRI research. The toolkit offers fast simulations of various MRI sequences and k-space trajectories commonly used in qMRI studies. While the core of the toolkit is implemented using CUDA, the functionality is accessible from both C++ and Julia.


  • Flexible API that can be composed in different ways.

  • Highly tuned GPU kernels that provide high performance.

  • Implemented using CUDA, optimized for Nvidia GPUs.

  • Usable from Julia and C++.


To use the Compas Toolkit in Julia, simply build the Julia bindings using the instructions above and then add the directory CompasToolkit.jl to you Julia project.

1using Pkg; Pkg.add(path="<path to compas-toolkit>/CompasToolkit.jl/")

You can then import the library with using CompasToolkit.

For examples of using the toolkit, take a look at the scripts available in the CompasToolkit.jl/tests directory.

Indices and tables